amuthini ponnusamy
2 min readMay 8, 2021

Inspiration is a positive reinforcement that drives you to do what you aspire. Instead of looking inspiration from others, you can inspire yourself to achieve what you want in life. Be an active participant in shaping your life. The first question you have to ask yourself is whether you love what you do or not. If it is a yes, then we can move on to the next step. If it is a no, then you have to enter into a quest for finding your love in the career world. The essential point of everything is where the heart lies. You can change the way of your life anytime you desire. Where there is a will, there is a way.

Here are the magical spells to bring out the best version of you

#Solidify your identity

You must come in terms with your identity and often remind yourself who you are. People tend to change with the test of time. Eventually you will lose yourself and then everything will become meaningless. Protecting your identity must be your priority rather than pursuing greater things.

Find out who you are and do it on purpose ~Dolly Parton

#Create connection with interdisciplinary people

Being connected with multilingual people of different age allows you to learn that everyone is unique. You are also given a chance to appreciate your originality. It broadens your perspective. You can learn a great deal about life by having a healthy conversation with people accepting the differences.

#Cultivate opportunities

Cultivate and grab the opportunities without any limitations. Don’t try to stay within your niche. Venture out of your comfort zone and take up new challenges. Allow yourself to evolve.

#Never doubt your capabilities

Be clear with the basics and trust the flow. Believe in yourself and skip the fear of failure. Nurture and give yourself a chance to do big things.

#Overcome procrastination by persistence

You will never be completely ready if you spend time in thinking to be more perfect. Remember that without practice you cannot achieve perfection. And be persistent enough to do it regularly. You can get better with time but giving up will not lead you anywhere.

Power of own inspiration

When you really want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it ~Paulo Coelho

Being your own inspiration is like you are in hold of the powerhouse. You can use all the power you need to achieve the goal. Pulling out what best in you is a hard task. And you are the only one who is the chosen to take up the task. Life will become more meaningful when you enhance the opportunities given to you. Be the source of your inspiration and strive hard to pave your way.

